Podcast reviews, an update

In the English-speaking world it’s rare to find sports radio dedicated to pro cycling. Downloadable podcasts are a good alternative, if not better since you choose when you want to listen. I’ve reviewed several podcasts before, see the list below for the full details, including URLs. A reader was asking for an update to this … Read more

Cyclingnews.com podcast: amusing but useless

I’ve been listening to the Pro Cycling / cyclingnews.com podcasts. If you haven’t tuned in, they cover some of the racing but also the daily grind of covering the Tour, and there’s a lot of chit chat between the staff who are on the road. Frequently recorded over dinner, it’s an audio version of the … Read more

Cycling Podcast Reviews Part XIII, Tour de France Specials

This isn’t so much a new review, more a heads up that you can get a daily dose of audio analysis via podcasts. There are three to consider: The VelocastThe two Scots are giving a daily post race analysis. It’s a good chat but they are limited by their presence in Scotland, this is not … Read more

Cycling Podcast Reviews Part XII, The Bike Show

This is part of a series of podcast reviews. Having reviewed some, it turns out others have similar tastes when it comes to podcasts (see The Drum Up and Atomic Echo) and it’s thanks to them that I discovered The Bike Show from Resonance FM. Living in the South of France, Resonance FM’s London signal … Read more

The Velocast, Millar and Contador

I’ve reviewed the Velocast podcast and will repeat that it’s a great listen. Now to my surprise, this blog was briefly mentioned on their latest podcast. The guys had read my posting on the Dauphiné prologue and the fact that I saw Millar and Contador warming up on the course whilst the race was on. … Read more

Cycling podcast review: Part X

cyclingnews.com – an update I wrote my review of the cyclingnews.com podcast back in February and was quite harsh on them. It’s a big site, backed by a decent sized business and so I set the standard quite high. Given CN staff have access to races and riders, simply chatting about races was too easy, … Read more

Cycling Podcast Reviews – Part IX

This is part of a series of podcast reviews, you’ll find more reviews with the links below. Cyclocosm The Cyclocosm blog is a good read and some especially amusing graphic design, for example the Paris-Roubaix bingo card. But there’s also a video podcast which combines an audio recording from the blogger with visual prompts such … Read more

Cycling Podcast Reviews – Part VIII

This is part of a series of podcast reviews. Note a new episode of the NY Velocity podcast with Cyclesport’s Ed Pickering has just come out. The Spokesmen This is quite a clever format in that it’s a form of roundtable discussion between a varying range of participants, many of whom have familiar voices. For … Read more

Cycling Podcast Reviews – Part VII

This is part of a series of podcast reviews. I was going to review the Beyond the Peloton films later but Cervélo have just announced a new series of films for 2010, so here are my thoughts on their 2009 output. Beyond The Peloton Rather than an audio podcast, this is a collection of videos. … Read more