Cartoons from the weekend

The sketch is by Marec, resident cartoonist of Het Nieuwsblad who normally does politics. But the weekend racing is front page news in Belgium. The scene depicts Tom Boonen and Philippe Gilbert as Belgian dunces who lost out and both are thinking “we’ve got ears after all”. Like most jokes, when you have to explain … Read more

Team Sky, the DS and the underwear model

Nicolas Portal was a rider for Team Sky last year. Towards the end of the season it was announced he was leaving the team, heart problems cut short his racing career. But Sky gave him a management job. An ex-Caisse d’Epargne rider, Portal’s Spanish language skills might have been a clincher given the arrival of … Read more

The word on Lance Armstrong

I’ve been doing The Inner Ring for a while now and try to cover a range of issues in pro cycling, including some commentary and debate. But sometimes it’s better to stand aside and let others have their say. So here’s the self-styled Mr Nik Bag TV, aka Bloggaholic, on Lance Armstrong: Who needs Mark … Read more