It’s been a good start to the season for the French. Thomas Voeckler stands out but there have been plenty of wins from others, from Samuel Dumoulin and Jérémy Roy as well as strong performances from Yoann Offredo. Another name to add to the mix is Skil-Shimano’s Alexandre Geniez.
Eurofoods Part XI
A bookend to the Eurofoods series where I want to look at a few small things rather than one single product. Produits Diététiques There’s no exact translation for these products, they’re part diet-food, part health-food and you’ll often find a whole row in a supermarket dedicated to these products. There’s everything from rice biscuits to … Read more
Eurofoods Part X: Pharmaceuticals
The French love their drugs. No, I’m not talking about le dopage. France’s is the country with more pharmacies than anyone else. There are 23,000 in the country, making them second only to France’s bakeries in terms of outlets. Only a law banning villages with less than 500 people from having a pharmacie stops the … Read more
Eurofoods Part IX: Sirop
There are some foods that are particularly European. Maybe people think of fine wine, truffles, baguettes and ravioli. But for cyclists there are some particular foods that stand out. As part of a series about food in Europe for riding, here’s the latest: syrup. Product Description This is syrup made from reduced fruit juice or … Read more
Training the mind
Denis Troch probably isn’t a name you know but he is an instrumental figure for quite a few French riders. A former professional soccer player with several Parisian clubs, Troch retired into coaching and then onto team management. But football management is one of the most insecure jobs in the world, managers can get replaced … Read more
Michelin Maps
Famous for its tyres, the French manufacturer hit upon the idea of encouraging the growing class of motorists to travel with a series of tourist guides. This spurned the imperious restaurant guide, where chefs have killed themselves after unfavourable reviews. But there’s also a series of maps. The series of folding 1:200,000 maps are … Read more
Where do the French riders live?
Above is a map of France. Look closely and you’ll see coloured dots marking where riders from each of the four main French cycling teams are from. I’d been wondering if the teams had any regional bias towards signing riders and finally got round to charting where the riders are all from. Bbox, now Europcar, … Read more
Eurofoods Part VII: French Bakeries
France is illuminated by flashing lights screaming “Pain”. Famously there’s a sign at the bottom of the Tourmalet that reads “pain”. But these aren’t clubs for sadists, nor warnings for cyclists, but bakeries. Pain is French for bread. The typical French bread is the baguette, meaning wand, as in magic. It’s a clever ruse since … Read more
The Future of Road Cycling?
Slowly but surely the gran fondo scene is spreading from Italy to the US. There’s a thriving scene in Britain although this is hamstrung by local laws preventing riders from racing and it’s beginning to take of in Australia with the Alpine Classic and races like Grafton – Inverell being open to all. Gran fondo … Read more
Police Charges
A piece on picks up on an item on French talk and sport radio station RMC. Policing reform, essentially the merger of the police force with the paramilitary gendarmerie (France has had two police forces). These gendarmes assist in races and other sports events and their has been a hourly tariff due of €2.40 … Read more