Rider of the Year

The season’s over and soon the retrospection begins. One of the most prestigious prizes available is the Vélo d’Or from France’s Vélo Magazine. Meaning “golden bike”, it is determined by a vote from journalists around the world who send in their picks.Alberto Contador was the winner last year but despite several impressive results this year, … Read more

Random thoughts

Two quick points I’ve been thinking about. Too long to put on Twitter, too short for a separate blog post. Here goes…Electric BikesThe Cancellara electric bike story was one of the most read items on here in the Spring, especially since I think the Inner Ring was first to break the story in English. The … Read more

Cancellara: BMC or Luxembourg?

If sections of the Luxembourg media were announcing the arrival of Fabian Cancellara with the new Schleck “Team Luxembourg” squad, this now seems to be wishful thinking. Whilst it appears talks have been held, the Swiss rider is also linked with Team BMC, the Swiss owned squad. TeamIt’s not just the Swiss connection. BMC is … Read more

Cancellara denies electric bike

The story is now doing the rounds in the mainstream media in France. It’s been debated on several radio stations and establishment newspaper Le Monde is even asking about it. Cancellara has openly denied it now. Indeed there have been many new readers here thanks to this story, a welcome to all of you. But … Read more

UCI investigating electric bikes

My piece on suspicions of Cancellara’s electric bike was a very popular read on here. And it seems even the UCI is taking the story seriously. In a piece that you’d normally expect to see printed on 1 April, cyclingnews.com reports: the UCI have confirmed to Cyclingnews that they are looking into a method of … Read more

Does Cancellara Have an Electric Bike?

This might make you say “what the…” out aloud but there is talk in the bunch that Fabian Cancellara has a hidden motor inside his bike, this is what is helping him take such outrageously bold wins. It’s technologically possible… Suspicions were heightened when he changed his bike in the final of both the Tour … Read more

A Cancellara-era?

My colleague @edwardpickering once said we were in for 5 years of Cancellara winning every TT, Contador every Tour and Cav every sprint… Lionel Birnie, Twitter That’s an interesting comment posted by two of Cycle Sport and Cycling Weekly’s most knowledgeable writers. And it’s true at first glance that we could see three riders carve … Read more

How to beat Cancellara

Because things don’t always go to plan Following last Sunday’s ride, Fabian Cancellara will start Paris-Roubaix as the nailed on favourite. Not just nailed on, but glued, tied and bound with a toestrap too. But that’s to ignore the beauty of sport and cycling. Sport means the winner is never certain and this holds true … Read more

Cancellara’s team

Photo from Pez. Bedankt! I won’t add to the superlatives the media have been employing to describe Fabian Cancellara’s win on Sunday. Attacking so only Boonen could follow, then dropping the Belgian champion on steepest section of the Kapelmuur and then soloing into the finish: you don’t get better. Instead, just a quick word to … Read more

Cancellara: an artist, not an accountant

Congratulations to Fabian Cancellara for his win in the E3 Prijs Vlaanderen. I can’t offer any analysis but if you want excellent insight into the Flemish classics, check out the Pavé blog. Instead, here is a quote from the Swiss champion following an interview with a Swiss newspaper. We were in Lanzarote for a training … Read more