Aussie Pro Tour team?

The Pegasus Racing project has been on the radar of Aussie cycling fans for some time but now the pace seems to be picking up, with registration papers being submitted to the UCI with the aim of getting ProTour status. It’s great news for the sport in terms of a new team, especially since it’s … Read more

Cervélo and some unanswered questions

What follows is a random collection of points but following the abrupt withdrawal of the team, I wish I was at the team’s press conference this afternoon to put these points: Why did Brett Lancaster start tweeting about house hunting in Girona in late July? Did he fancy moving to a country where he doesn’t … Read more

Radioshack sponsorship review

There’s an interesting article from that reviews the Radioshack sponsorship deal with Lance Armstrong’s cycling team, brought to my attention via Twitter’s FestinaGirl. Back in March, I commented that the electronics retailer was sponsoring a team without mentioning it. For me, it looks like the deal is clearly about associating with Lance, the campaign … Read more

Busy signals at Bouygues Télécom?

When will J-R Bernaudeau speak?What’s going on with the BBox-Bouygues Télécom cycling team? The team has been hunting for a replacement sponsor for some time but as yet, nothing has been announced. There are rumours but there’s still some confusion. Riders have apparently been briefed that Bouygues (a media, TV and telecoms conglomerate) will back … Read more

Meanwhile in Luxembourg?

Whilst all eyes are on the Contador-Riis-Saxo announcement, let’s not forget the Schleck brothers. They are supposed to be starting their team for 2011 and if all this sounds a bit distant, maybe you’re thinking about next July and the Tour, it’s actually a very current matter. Riders need to be recruited, no mean feat … Read more

Spanish Jigsaw

How do you say “chickens come home to roost” in Spanish? With main sponsor Caisse d’Epargne pulling out at the end of the year, team manager Eusebio Unzue (pictured with Valverde above) is struggling to keep the team together. Having initially announced some replacement sponsorship during the Tour de France, it turns out that he’s … Read more

Bernaudeau playing poker? are reporting that BBox-Bouygues Télécom manager Jean-René Bernaudeau is close to a deal with a new sponsor for 2011. The existing sponsor announced some time ago it was retiring and the race has been on to find a new sponsor. Arguably it’s helped the team, they’ve been strong and taken wins when you might … Read more

Place your bets

From today it is now legal to bet on cycling races in France. Until now, it was banned but of course many would simply use the internet to place a bet with an overseas operator. But France has now partially liberalised this law, ending the state monopoly ending what was increasingly becoming a farce, a … Read more