Busy signals at Bouygues Télécom?

When will J-R Bernaudeau speak?
What’s going on with the BBox-Bouygues Télécom cycling team? The team has been hunting for a replacement sponsor for some time but as yet, nothing has been announced. There are rumours but there’s still some confusion.

Riders have apparently been briefed that Bouygues (a media, TV and telecoms conglomerate) will back the team for an extra year, with additional funding coming from the Vendée region of France and also with La Poste, the French postal service, coming on board. Only La Poste, and its banking subsidiary, have both made formal denials of sponsorship. It could be that the head of marketing has said yes but the deal isn’t inked and junior PR staff at La Poste don’t know about it, it could be that the state-owned company simply isn’t going to venture into pro cycling.

But whilst many speculate, almost all the riders seem to be staying put since few have announced a move elsewhere. The team is run very much as a family or band of brothers and perhaps this explains why so many riders want to stay put. Nevertheless, some riders are getting nervous and awaiting “official” confirmation that the team is rescued as time is running out for a rider to change teams in case the squad folds this year.

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