Team Sky vs Great Britain?

A conflict of interest It’s hard to know where Team Sky ends and where British Cycling and its Olympic aspirations begin. An article over at, in turn taking up an article in the British newspaper The Guardian, suggests it’s something that now concerns the British government (and I’ve got memories of London’s Cycling Weekly … Read more

Katusha, Astana and now… Vendée

Astana and Katusha are two cycling teams with state sponsors, sports teams that are designed to radiate the national glory of the motherland. Well now there could be a third state-sponsored cycling team: Vendée. The Vendée is a small départment in France that’s not famous for a great deal. But in order to spread the … Read more

Barbarians at the gate?

We’re marching all the way to Aigle There’s sometimes a fear in France of “anglo-saxon” influence, although it’s more often a misunderstanding. For example some fear their cuisine is being overtaken by le fast food, worry that Aussie wines could flood the French market, or that the European Commission in Brussels is imposing free-market reforms … Read more

Is Belgium splitting apart?

This blog covers pro cycling, but so do many websites. One aspect of this is going beyond the sport. Races travel across farm tracks, through towns. I want to help place the sport into the context of political, geographical and social forces that surround it. It might seem like it at times but bike races … Read more

Fabio Parra – an update

I posted a story on here about Fabio Parra’s bid to get into the Colombian Senate. Elections were held last Sunday and finally the results are coming out. Apparently the delay has been causing recriminations on all sides. But one thing that isn’t disputed is the news that Fabio Parra’s bid to get elected has … Read more

Another side to Belgium

This blog covers pro cycling, but so do many websites. I started the blog to give a different insight into races, whether it’s personal opinions or picking up on small things that get overlooked, whether it’s Amaël Moinard’s SRM or analysing sponsorship deals. In short, the aim is to give a bit more detail. One … Read more

Gianni Bugno enters politics

Gianni Bugno was one of the best riders from the early 1990s. A grand tour contender, his misfortune was to come up against Miguel Indurain, otherwise he would have probably won the Tour de France. He was also competitive in one-day races, for example he was world champion twice.After retiring from the bunch he became … Read more