Cycling Podcast Reviews – Part VI

RTL-L’Equipe – Carrément Vélo Ok, this is broadcast in French so I’ll keep this review quick in case it’s less appealing for you. But if you can understand French then, for me, this is probably the best bit of pro cycling audio. It’s a weekly radio show at 11.00 am CET every Monday morning, an … Read more

Cycling Podcast Reviews Part V

The Fredcast The podcasts open with about five minutes of advertising. Obviously you can skip this in a click but the naked commercialism isn’t a good start for me. People have to earn money but it sounds like some commercial radio station. FRD FM! Even during the show a lot of content seems to be … Read more

Cycling Podcast Reviews Part IV

The VeloCast Hosted by two Scots with a sense of humour, it’s more than just pro cycling. They’ll talk about bike kit and industry issues as well as advocacy matters like planning and traffic. But the coverage on the racing scene is good. They don’t get the scoops because they’re not on the ground – … Read more

Cycling Podcast Reviews Part III I’m in two minds about this podcast. Jeff Jones knows his cycle racing but the podcast doesn’t quite work yet. A chunk of the broadcast is spent going over past results and for the close followers of the sport this is redundant because we already know who’s won. If it’s going to be a … Read more

Cycling Podcast Reviews Part II

NY Velocity The New York website does two pro racing pieces, a set piece monthly with Cyclesport magazine’s Ed Pickering and a regular conversation with evergreen US pro Michael Creed. Sometimes they bag an interview with another rider or two on top. But the main feature is the “Bickering with Pickering” podcast. It’s timed to … Read more

Cycling Podcast Reviews

I’m showing my age but there was a time where the only way to get cycling results was to buy a newspaper and scour the results section on the sports page. If you were lucky you’d find the top-10 of Paris-Roubaix in small print. Today the internet means you don’t just get the results, you … Read more