Sponsor The Inner Ring

Enjoy this site? It’s read by over a hundred thousand intelligent cycling fans every month and there’s the chance to advertise here, promote your business and support this site.

Housekeeping note: First a note for all readers. Work continues to find a t-shirt or cap manufacturer. One good sponsor is helping and there are other avenues to explore. It’s a whole different world from the usual daily activity of typing up some thoughts on cycling. There’s lots to learn, investigate, test and think about. Also readers have expressed interest in a “tip jar” where you can donate money if you feel like it. I’m looking into this too, maybe more soon.

inrng.com ad
There is space on here for one advert, see the box on the top right occupied by the ad for Trek as an example. Ads are available for June and July.

What do you get? The specification is as follows:

  • An exclusive 240 x 240 pixel ad across all pages on the classic and mobile version
  • It’s your space for static or dynamic content
  • Content can be rotated as often as you like
  • The RSS and email feed gets a “sponsored by” footer with your logo
  • Monthly booking is preferred, longer periods available
  • An advertorial message on the blog and Twitter to say thanks for sponsoring

Who do you reach?

  • Over one hundred thousand readers in USA, UK, Australia and Canada, then various European nations
  • More than 40,000 followers on Twitter
  • 10,000 subscribers via RSS and email

Why INRNG.com?

  • You get publicity and reach but you’re also supporting this blog and providing a tailwind to keep it on the move
  • This is a blog but the site is popular and comes with costs like with photo accounts, hosting and extra bandwith usage and more
  • Funding helps with recon for race previews plus keeps the writer in coffee and bike clothing… and maybe better graphics software to mock up fake images from the Giro

If you or your business are interested and would like to learn more or make a booking, please get in touch by email and we’ll take things from there.


Multimedia code: https://inrng.com/medias/partners/trek/TK14_AD_TimelessClassics_WebBanner_240x240%5B1%5D.gif

22 thoughts on “Sponsor The Inner Ring”

    • A t-shirt or a cap seems simpler to manage.

      I’m not really looking to sell merchandise, the idea has been that if people donate money then for those that donated over a certain amount I’d give them something back.

    • Ditto! I even bought a Selle Royal due to the fact that they sponsored INRNG that month. (cannot permit a Domane of my choice this month) 😉

  1. I was planning to start a business of cycling holidays in Central Spain. I would have advertised here. But now I’m going to have to leave Spain again, so…

  2. question – why is the INRNG banner logo an image of an outer chaninring?

    some witty reason too subtle for me?

    PS – tip jar – good idea – I’d throw in

  3. frankly I’m amazed you need to advertise, and the exclusivity is surely worth something compared to certin sites that resemble an androni giocattoli jersey with the result that you see actually nothing but noise…

    • It’s why I’ve tried to stick to one sponsor on the site at a time. But I couldn’t do the Androni/20 ads if I tried, this is an amateur blog with daily musings on the sport; it’s not a business with an ad salesforce etc.

  4. A not to future sponsors of INRNG.

    As the June and July are available, there is no surer way to attract the attention of the intelligent cycling crowd. With series like the daily previews, roads to ride and the moment the race was won this site is sure to attract a massive following with people who know cycling.

  5. Simply the best, noise free, site here is. Glad you can keep it ticking over with one sponsor and have not gone down the lines of the likes of pez cycling news (the worst).

    Would love a cap if it comes about.

    to echo the above commenter, If I were a manufacturer I would be in like Flynn for June July and August, pre-Tour, During, after and Vuelta, huge site visits as we all know the best analysis will be here.

  6. “Over one hundred thousand readers in USA, UK, Australia and Canada, then various European nations”
    Some recognition would be welcomed 🙂

    Hey potential sponsors, there’s also audience in Brazil and probably around South America!

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