I’ve sung the praises of cyclismag.com in the past. It’s a French website on cycling that is original and amusing enough to almost justify learning French just so you can read the content. If you’re not that diligent, translation websites will do the dirty work increasingly well these days.
Anyway, they’ve found an interesting comparison between the new HTC-Highroad jersey and the older Vermeer Thijs squad.
The 2011 jersey is described as retro but I struggled to feel it was that old fashioned, only the black shorts gave a more traditional image. But the discovery of the older Belgian jersey does provide a link to the past and proof that even in the matter of cycling jerseys, history can repeat itself.
You might already read Cosmo but here was a great take on the way-too-matchy kits. If this trend continues all those freds now only need 140 dollar tricots to look pro. Man, those full kit prices were beginning to hurt . . .