As well as celebrity gossip about footballers and the royal family, a regular feature of The Sun, Britain’s top selling “newspaper”, is the Page 3 Girl. Every day a big picture of a semi-naked woman appears on page 3 of the newspaper, to the delights of the largely male readership (and the desperation of the more politically correct).

Am I writing this just so I can include some gratuitous nudity? Not quite, a Scottish reader has emailed in the news that Mark Cavendish is treading a well-worn path for any sports star in Britain and has started a relationship with “glamour” model, Peta Todd:
PAGE 3 girl Peta Todd is dating champion cyclist Mark Cavendish, The Sun can reveal.
The 23-year-old model started seeing Britain’s Tour de France ace just over a month ago. A source said last night: “Their relationship is still in the early stages but it’s going very well. “He makes her laugh and they are having a great time together.” The couple met earlier this year at a Help for Heroes event.
Read the full story here. I won’t comment on the relationship nor the gossip but it will only go further to raise Cavendish’s profile in Britain. Cycling does not get that much coverage in Britain, even in the sports pages at the back of a newspaper. But now Cav is catapulted to the front pages of Britain’s biggest daily.
Curiously Peta Todd is not just a fruity model but seemingly dabbles in financial analysis. Whilst the world celebrated the release of the Chilean miners, Todd strangely appeared in The Sun clad in just bikini briefs to offer commentary on volatility in the gold market.
His relationship with the ex Miss Italy he bought a house on Lake Garda to be near didnt last long
Hilarious. Nice find, I like the mix of serious and humour on here.
For her sake, let's hope he doesn't always try to be the worlds fastest sprinter…
what this one ?
Cav you dawg…..
I'm liking the direction this is taking.
Vendeeu, houses on Lake Garda come in handy for entertaining all manner of guests, regardless of proximity!
Well done Cav, get it while you can. It won't last. Remember, you ride a bicycle for a living.
She doesn't stand a chance over the final 200m.
I was sent a similar tweet after posting this on my blog:
As ever though, it's not really in the same league as what you find on The Inner Ring.
was she the girl they kept cutting to on spoty?
i now have a suggestion for a bra design for my wife’s moonwalk this May….