Team Sky’s Wall

Team Sky is part of the Murdoch/NewsCorp media empire which is trying out an internet paywall on many of its sites. But it seems the concept of sticking up a wall around your assets isn’t reserved for the internet. Brailsford’s erection That’s the Team Sky bus, but notice the wall. It’s put up so riders … Read more

Team Rankings: Quick Step sinking

Take a look at Cycling Quotient’s team rankings, or see the screenshot below: These are the ProTour teams which explains why the “ranking” column has gaps. Liquigas-Doimo are at the top of the table for now, not surprising given their excellent Giro but they have been taking wins everywhere this season. Now Footon-Servetto are at … Read more

Trade of the year?

One of the smaller sponsors of Garmin-Transitions is a small hedge fund, Holowesko Partners. Run by cycling enthusiast Mark Holowesko, the business also backs the youth/feeder team for Garmin-Transitions. Kerr-ching: Vaughters hit the jackpot If Holowesko are stuck for investment ideas, they’d do well to get Jonathan Vaughters on board. For he might well have … Read more

Bingo and new pants for Arvesen

Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull volcano has succeeded where the UCI and the Court for Arbitration Sport have so far failed, namely to block Alejandro Valverde from racing. Whilst many drove up from Spain and Italy, Valverde has stayed put. Spinning in the rigging, there was f&*k all else to do But the best story so far is … Read more

Contract time

Greg Henderson’s win in Paris-Nice yesterday was a real result for Team Sky. Looking at their roster in the past I thought the one thing missing was a sprinter. Edwald Boasson Hagen is much more than sprinter. For me Henderson seems to come from the Kiwi factory of lead out specialists, just like Hayden Roulston … Read more