The Spin: Paris-Nice Stage 3

Up, up and away. It’s tempting to see today’s stage getting progressively hilly before a final climb with third category “summit” finish at 700 metres above sea level in the Massif Central range but it’s not so simple.

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The story of the Hinault photo

Seyne Sur Mer Hinault manifestation

Last week’s look at the history of Paris-Nice proved a popular read and the photo of Bernard Hinault taking a swing was a talking point in the comments.

Like all images it captures a moment on camera but it was only one instant in the day and there’s a whole story behind the picture. And video footage too.

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The Spin: Paris-Nice Stage 2

Paris Nice Stage 2

185km and flat. Looks easy, no?

Non as they say in French. Arguably today is the only real sprint stage of the race because later on the race gets more and more hilly. Several teams will be giving it everything to set up their sprinters today. More, the route is exposed and the wind is likely to be a major factor in the race today with gusts of 65km/h forecast.

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Sunday shorts

Well done to Gustav Larsson of Vacansoleil-DCM for his win in Paris-Nice. The windtunnel work paid off as he won by just one second over Bradley Wiggins. It rained for the later contenders and some said Larsson would not ordinarily have won. But I suspect the likes of Bradley Wiggins and Levi Leipheimer will have their chance for glory later in the week. Above all Larsson was given his departure time, rode his best… and won.

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The Spin: Paris-Nice Stage 1

Paris Nice Stage 1

There’s a one page guide to the race with the stage listings, TV schedules, prize and more. See the big Paris-Nice link at the top of the page or click here.

But each day during the race there will be a separate blog posting called The Spin. This allows new elements to be analysed such as the riders in form and the weather conditions. So there’s one guide for the whole week and The Spin is for daily info on the morning of each stage.

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Paris-Nice, a history of innovation

Paris-Nice starts this Sunday and you’ll find a race preview with a permanent link at the top of the page.

But first a look back because this is a race of innovation. Over the years it has welcomed exotic teams, transported riders by air and invented new race rules. Through the race’s history we can trace the evolution of the sport we know today. With other races in trouble today, Paris-Nice can perhaps provide some tips for success.

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The Paris-Nice revelation

Paris Nice Podium

They call Paris-Nice “the race to the sun” because every March it leaves the Parisian capital and heads south for the Mediterranean and its pleasant climate. It is only a week long but this year’s race gave us plenty of clues for the whole year, from Matthew Goss to Denis Galimzyanov, and Tony Martin and Bradley Wiggins. Here’s a quick look back.

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Did Sanchez brake in the sprint?

A curiosity. Yesterday’s sprint between eight riders saw Andreas Klöden get the better of Samuel Sanchez. Some were surprised to see Klöden win, he is famous for being slow in a sprint finish. But he had a good lead out from a Tony Martin keen to boost his GC chances and Radioshack team mate Janez … Read more