The Moment The Race Was Won: The Tour de France

The Tour de France last three weeks but the build-up begins in October when the route is announced. The road to victory isn’t about the finish line, it’s the journey too and so this time there’s more than one racing winning moment.

And if you think Wiggins won because of the time trials, think twice. Strip away the time trials from the overall results and he would still have the fastest time.

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The Spin: Paris-Nice Stage 7

The race arrives in Nice today only there’s the small but vital matter of the time trial tomorrow to settle the result. But today could still prove decisive given the technical course and that it’s the chance for several riders to try something.

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The Spin: Paris-Nice Stage 6

Today’s route is very scenic and passes tourist destinations, restaurants and vineyards. There’s no time for riders to stop but perhaps some will have a rest today.

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The Spin: Paris-Nice Stage 5

Five climbs and then the vicious uphill finish above Mende. Today should see a big change in the overall classification with the heavier riders from the prologue and Monday’s 21 rider group dropping out of the top places thanks to the selective climb.

But it’s not just about the final climb. It’s could be windy, one climb listed as 4.5km long is actually twice as long and the race uses roads described in Tim Krabbé’s novel The Rider.

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