The future for sprinting

Mark Cavendish

Mark Cavendish’s contractual future was finally settled last week when he signed a contract with Team Sky, which was duly announced yesterday. I gather Sky sent him a formal contract last July just after the Tour but the world’s fastest man did rush to sign it.

The ease with which he wins is impressive. I’m trying to avoid hagiography but all the same, when we see black and white images of the greats of the sport from the past, Cavendish is on his way to joining them with sprint wins. But will he have it all it all so easy in 2012? Several factors suggest sprinting might be more open. Let’s take a look.

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Time Running Out

As a follow up to the item about young talents to watch, I thought I’d review some riders who have to deliver in 2011, the guys who are carrying a burden on their shoulders whilst also knowing that they haven’t got too many more seasons to impress. I’m concious that in naming riders here that … Read more

The Giro’s vanishing sprinters

Not to diminish Matt Goss’s win today but the Giro is losing sprinters at an alarming rate. If the first week allowed them a few chances, the second week is also suited to them but many have gone home. The weekend saw old dog Petacchi and young hope Modolo both exit the race and this … Read more

Sponsorship – getting it right

You might have read my piece about there being no mention of Team Radio Shack on Radio Shack’s website. But here’s an example of sponsors getting right. The image above is a screen grab from the Transitions website. Note the big banner for the Garmin-Transitions team at the footer. But look again at the main … Read more