Radioshack sponsorship review

There’s an interesting article from that reviews the Radioshack sponsorship deal with Lance Armstrong’s cycling team, brought to my attention via Twitter’s FestinaGirl. Back in March, I commented that the electronics retailer was sponsoring a team without mentioning it. For me, it looks like the deal is clearly about associating with Lance, the campaign … Read more

Jonker didn’t see anything because he wasn’t there

Pat Jonker’s an Aussie-Dutch rider who’s recently come out in support of Lance Armstrong, telling about doping at US Postal: “I didn’t see anything. If I was subpoenaed to go to court and put my hand on the Bible, I’d go.” Nice. But I’d make two remarks. First, the image below is a screen … Read more

Warrants Issued for Lance Armstrong

No, not those warrants. Not yet. Instead, these are warrants to buy stock relating to the stockmarket flotation of the business that owns the Livestrong brand. Normally the stockmarket float of a company wouldn’t appear on this kind of website. But the filing for Demand Media Inc. to sell its shares to investors on Wall … Read more

American Graffiti

I think it started last year but it’s back for 2010: the Livestrong foundation is painting the roads of France with various message. Using a giant version of an inkjet printer, a “paintjet” if you like, “people from everywhere can spread messages of hope and cancer survival to an entire world, on the streets” according … Read more

The Tour: four questions

Oh the irony! For years the first mountain stage was the stage where Lance Armstrong killed the Tour de France. A summit finish would often see him gain control of the race. First his team would shrink the bunch, then one or two lieutenants would select the pace for a select group and then we’d … Read more

We see what we want to see

There’s a tale of a US law professor who begins his university course with a lecture on witness statements. Midway through the lecture a man bursts in, jostles the lecturer and grabs the professor’s briefcase, wallet and jacket and escapes. Shocked, the professor says “right, can you guys tell me what happened, take notes and … Read more

RadioShack takeover rumours, updated

I’ve been keeping a close eye on Radioshack for some time. Not the team… but the company and its stock price because the company is a potential takeover candidate, potential prey to rival electronics retailer Best Buy or to a bid from private equity. It’s an interesting back-story to the team. I wrote about all … Read more

UCI – where’s the money?

There’s plenty of debate on the internet regarding the donation of money apparently made by Lance Armstrong to the UCI. Every time I read or hear an account of this it seems the sum involved changes and the timing is unknown too. All this would be avoidable if the UCI published its accounts. It already … Read more

Radioshack brings Armstrong out of hiding

I’ve written about the way US retailer Radioshack has no mention of Armstrong and Team Radioshack on its website. Despite signing a sponsorship deal nine months ago, one of the most marketable men in sport was almost in hiding. Later on I added an update mentioning that the company had been reading my words. Well … Read more

The wrong sort of rivalry: Armstrong vs. Contador

The history of our sport has some wonderful rivalries, think of Bobet and Coppi, Anquetil and Poulidor (pictured) or Moser and De Vlaminck. Today we see Contador and Armstrong but for me this contest is not the same. These two are not disputing the biggest races of the calendar, they are disputing the headlines. It’s … Read more