Tour de France Guide

Tour de France route map

A quick note to say you can now read a Tour de France guide on here:

Each stage is analysed, each jersey is explained and once more information is available there will be full list of riders and other content that’ll be updated every day so you can dip in and out during the next few weeks.

To read go to or look above for the permanent TOUR DE FRANCE link at the top of your screen. If you’re on a mobile device this permanent link can be found via the drop-down menu on the top right of the screen.

Each stage is listed with a profile and quick commentary. On the morning of each stage there will be a sharper and more complete preview to take in to account information from the weather to the state of the race and more. The guide now is a work-in-progress that will be updated over the coming days. For example the prize list is from last year but I am told this is the same. Should it change then the updated numbers will be added.

The race is less than 10 days away. Indeed this time next week the riders will be gathering in Liège for the pre-race checks and the media too will be collecting their passes and getting ready for the biggest race of the year.

12 thoughts on “Tour de France Guide”

  1. Just recently found your site while looking for a Tour de France blog to follow. I’m looking forward to your commentary and analysis.

  2. Hey Inrng,
    I just read your twitter about the outdated internet presence of the Tour de France.

    I completely agree: what a sharp contrast with the Giro, which I thought are doing a great job by diffusing the race live via their website.

    Le Tour de France must reajust. During the Giro, thinking about this issue, I tried to contact ASO to suggest them to take example from the Giro…. but, alas, could not find a way to contact them on any of their websites!!!

    You must tell them to do something!!

    Thanks Inrng, as always, for the quality information and analyse.

  3. I’d like to know if there’s going to be any race radios at ‘le grande boucle’ this year ? I think it would make the stages more exciting where teams/riders have to act on instinct rather than up to the second information.

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