How Hot is Too Hot?

Tour of California palm springs heat

Anyone for tennis? Players in the Australian Open are getting heatstroke on court and next week sees the Tour Down Under start in Adelaide where it’s even hotter.

Racing in high temperatures brings a new set of challenges and some solutions are set out below. Can it get too hot to race?

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The (broken) Collarbone


Think of a crash in a bike race and it’s easy to imagine leg injuries given the sport is associated with the leg muscles and the exposed skin. But when it comes to broken bones, it seems riders seem to break and fracture their collarbones all the time.

Off the top of my head, from men’s pro cycling Fabian Cancellara, David Millar, Filippo Pozzato, Sebastian Langeveld, Wouter Mol, Carlos Quintero have done it this season, and there must be several more. Even the UCI’s Alain Rumpf  too. Get well soon.

Here’s a quick look at this bone which turns out to be unique.

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McQuaid says UCI organising new races to make money

Beijing smog

You might know the UCI has set up a business called Global Cycling Promotions (GCP), apparently promote cycling globally. When they asked what GCP is for, it’s top man (and twitter nice guy) Alain Rumpf replied that it’s about taking the sport to new places. But in a more recent interview UCI President Pat McQuaid gave quite a different explanation.

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No needles

I wrote something last year about Garmin’s “no needles” policy and promised to ask every team what their policy was regarding the use of needles with a view to seeing who is doing what. The results were frankly boring and not worth following up, the standard reply was “we comply with WADA guidelines” over and … Read more

No Needles

Over on twitter I swapped a couple of messages with the Bike Pure organisation and the result was that they got it from the horse’s mouth that Garmin-Transitions have a “no-needles” policy. For me this is something worth shouting about. No needles means no vitamin injections, no IV drips to rehydrate or fill up with … Read more

HGH test

According to a story on there is now a doping control test for human growth hormone. Before the cynics complain that the dopers stay one step ahead this is actually up there with the test for EPO or testosterone because it’s a test for something that’s apparently been widespread in use.What’s HGHIt’s human growth … Read more