Eurofoods – Part V: French Fries

There are some foods that are particularly European. Maybe people think of fine wine, truffles, baguettes and ravioli. But for cyclists there are some particular foods that stand out. As part of a series about food in Europe for riding, here’s the fifth: french fries. Product description Fairly obvious, it’s sliced potato that’s been fried. … Read more

Euro Food Part IV: Coffee

There are some foods that are particularly European. Maybe people think of fine wine, truffles, baguettes and ravioli. But for cyclists there are some particular foods that stand out. As part of a series about food in Europe for riding, here’s the fourth: coffee. Product description This doesn’t need much explanation. If you have to … Read more

Is a French team needed in the top tier?

French teams have had it easy for some time. Thanks to their mere nationality they have been guaranteed entry into the Tour de France. The magic ticket that is so precious to many teams was automatic as long as a French sponsor could rustle up a few half decent riders. No lottery for FDJ, they … Read more

The other side of Cofidis

The Cofidis team are one of my favourites. This wasn’t always so but the arrival of Eric Boyer has help to clean up a messy team. Boyer has brought Dutchman Vincent Villerius in as a full-time coach, something worth noting given many bigger teams don’t have a full time coach on their books. Things aren’t … Read more

Rider of the Year

The season’s over and soon the retrospection begins. One of the most prestigious prizes available is the Vélo d’Or from France’s Vélo Magazine. Meaning “golden bike”, it is determined by a vote from journalists around the world who send in their picks.Alberto Contador was the winner last year but despite several impressive results this year, … Read more

Tour de France suggestions

The Tour de France might be over but the race organisers are busy finalising the route of the 2011 edition. If you didn’t see the Giro d’Italia earlier this season then you need to get hold of the highlights, whether it’s the official DVD or check out for downloadable content. One thing that stands … Read more

A Date With The Head of State

The French stage winners were invited to a function at the Elysée Palace, the Presidential office and residence. President Nicolas Sarkozy is suffering in the polls and this reception was a first: after the disastrous football world cup showing, a photo opportunity with sportsmen who win can’t go amiss, even if some tastelessly loud shirts … Read more

Katusha, Astana and now… Vendée

Astana and Katusha are two cycling teams with state sponsors, sports teams that are designed to radiate the national glory of the motherland. Well now there could be a third state-sponsored cycling team: Vendée. The Vendée is a small départment in France that’s not famous for a great deal. But in order to spread the … Read more

Bastille Day

14 July is a national holiday in France, the anniversary of the French revolution in 1789. As well as a Soviet-era military parade up in Paris – I think only North Korea still does on of these – it also means massive pressure on French riders to win the day’s stage. Many people have the … Read more

Thierry Adam comes good

OK, this is only for French readers but having panned TV commentator Thierry Adam, I’m willing to eat my words and praise him. The France Télévisions broadcaster has really upped his game. Whether it’s memory or notes, he’s now able to cite past winners and supply anecdotes. Thankfully, for multiple reasons, Laurent Fignon is often … Read more