Ettore Torri is being used as a scapegoat

Towers of strength Etorre Torre is the chief prosectutor for the Italian national Olympic commission. The fact that the Olympics organisation has its own chief prosecutor should tell us enough. Torri is their anti-doping terrier. Here’s American writer Sam Abt on the man: Italy, for the past two decades the hub of doping scandals and … Read more

Random thoughts

Two quick points I’ve been thinking about. Too long to put on Twitter, too short for a separate blog post. Here goes…Electric BikesThe Cancellara electric bike story was one of the most read items on here in the Spring, especially since I think the Inner Ring was first to break the story in English. The … Read more

Everything points to Contador being cleared

Will Contador take aim at the WADA code? Cui bono? That’s Latin for “who benefits”. The phrase has lasted for over 2,000 years because when people do things you need to understand the incentives behind their actions. In this case, let’s ask ourselves who benefits from seeing Contador banned? Arguably WADA and fans who want … Read more

Spot the difference: UCI re-writing history?

Here’s the text of the press release from the UCI on 30 September 2010 concerning Alberto Contador’s bad news. Press release – Adverse analytical finding for Alberto Contador30.09.2010 The UCI confirmed today that Spanish rider Alberto Contador returned an adverse analytical finding for clenbuterol following the analysis of urine sample taken during an in competition … Read more

McQuaid Blunders Again

“You need to clean up your act” UCI President Pat McQuaid can be a soft target. It’s too easy to pin all the sport’s problems on him, if anything it credits him with a power, reach and ability that he simply doesn’t have. But speaking to Reuters, he seems to have blundered again: “Fifty percent … Read more

Questions, questions

Meat the press There are lots of unanswered questions regarding Alberto Contador’s positive test. Clearly Contador is himself desperate for answers but there are issues the Spaniard can clear up that go well beyond a cut of meat. We need to question the motives and behaviour of others as well, this a tale with a … Read more

Rogue Steak

Alberto Contador needs to prove the prohibited clenbuterol in his system came from contaminated meat. At first glance, trying to go backwards to a meal eaten in July sounds futile. But actually, it’s not, tracking down the rogue steak should be straightforward. So here’s a quick piece explaining the food chain in Europe. I know … Read more

Contador’s lack of friends

Just a brief point. Obviously Alberto Contador’s reputation is on the line, or more appropriately at steak. In situations like this, goodwill matters. You need support, friends, luck and the benefit of doubt. The Spaniard might have the backing of his national federation, after all they stood by Alejandro Valverde for way too long. Only … Read more

The WADA Code on Positive Tests

Everyone’s got a view on Alberto Contador today. But they’re not thinking about the rules that govern sport and in particular, anti-doping. Here’s the relevant part of the World Anti-Doping Agency’s Code: 2.1 Presence of a Prohibited Substance or its Metabolites or Markers in an Athlete’s Sample2.1.1 It is each Athlete’s personal duty to ensure … Read more

Is the UCI ready to investigate Operacion Puerto?

If the Spanish give up, can Francesca Rossi get on the case? There’s news that the Spanish judicial authorities could wrap up Operation Puerto. For me the case has a mess from the beginning, with justice dished out according to nationality rather than behaviour. But regardless, it’s finally coming to an end. Here’s, quoting … Read more