What now for HTC-Columbia?

It was a very good weekend for HTC-Columbia. Tony Martin won the final TT at the Tour of Switzerland, scalping Cancellara in front of his public after a strong week-long performance. Note Rabobank demonstrated their unique capacity to throw away stage race wins. Simultaneously Adam Hansen won the Dutch Ster Elektrotoer, a sign that the … Read more

Image and perception: French soccer and Mark Cavendish

With France’s soccer team behaving like spoilt brats, the media are going to town on the story of the team’s implosion, the massive egos and the management blunders. Gawking at this, one comment stood out: the French football federation, FFF, had commissioned research and polling in recent years and the team was seen as aloof, … Read more

Cav’s New Shoes

Here’s a photo from the podium in the Tour of California, courtesy of Steephill.tv. Whilst Dave Zabriskie gets interviewed, Mark Cavendish is striking a somewhat camp pose. The sprinter is showing off his shoes to Team Type 1’s Dutch rider Thomas Rabou. What’s so special about the shoes? Well look closely and you’ll see they … Read more

The Joy of Winning

Poor Mark Cavendish, he wins Stage 2 of the Tour de Romandie and rather than smiling and enjoying the moment, he decides to stick two fingers up at the world. I know he’s had troubles over the winter but a win is something to celebrate, no?

A Cancellara-era?

My colleague @edwardpickering once said we were in for 5 years of Cancellara winning every TT, Contador every Tour and Cav every sprint… Lionel Birnie, Twitter That’s an interesting comment posted by two of Cycle Sport and Cycling Weekly’s most knowledgeable writers. And it’s true at first glance that we could see three riders carve … Read more

Tactics 101: The Sneak Attack

Cancellara’s winning move yesterday took some guts, he was going clear a long way from the finish line, with a headwind too. But did he attack? Yes, but in a very clever way. He used the “sneak attack”. I’ve not won many races in my time but when you want to attack, think twice. “Attack” … Read more

Giro d’Italia vs. Tour of California – why the clash?

This year sees the Tour of California moved from its previous February slot to May. Weather conditions were harsh, it meant the race struggled to include mountain stages. But this change is forcing riders to choose between the Giro d’Italia and California. Mark Cavendish is the latest rider to announce where he’ll be in May, … Read more

Tirreno – Adriatico

Tirreno – Adriatico starts today. It’s a six day stage race that crosses Italy from west to east, from the Tyrrhenian sea to the Adriatic sea, hence the name. Click on the image above for the great symbolic poster. Like Paris-Nice it’s an essential race for different riders. Classics specialists and grand tour riders alike … Read more

Cav picks his words

“To be honest, when I see him, I think I’ll have to fight the urge to get off my bike and hit him, it’s his lack of remorse… You see, he thinks that everyone’s doing it. People look at what I’m doing and think that I must be cheating. But cycling’s in the forefront of … Read more