Like Father, Like Son, Part II

Following last Saturday’s Like Father, Like Son entry, here’s a follow up. For as well as Ignacio Moser, another famous son is racing at the Worlds: Rik Zabel.

German Erik Zabel was the six time green jersey winner in the Tour de France, that’s him with his son on the podium of the Tour not long ago. Now the little kid is growing up fast and proving to be a useful rider. Despite being only 16, he’s just done the Junior World Track Championships and has won titles on the road and track alike.

Rik Zabel on the top step

The wunderkind has already been snapped by German bike manufacturer Canyon, logical since Zabel Senior is already an adviser and PR rep for the company. According to Canyon, Erik Zabel told La Gazzetta dell Sport “to see Rick race is really great. His style of riding is similar to mine and even his pedalling, the way he slightly moves his shoulders“. When the Italian newspaper asked Rick;s dad Erik about his future as a rider, Erik said “Well he still has to do well at school; that is the most important thing!” Rick hopes to be selected for the next two Junior Track World Championships in 2011 and 2012.

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