The Quiet Zone

We now go into a funny period on the calendar, there’s almost no racing until the Tour de France. Yes there’s the national championships, but that amounts to just one road race and one time trial.

So the next two weeks are going to focus on the build up to the Tour, a series of hopeful press releases about team selections, expectant riders, plus a few tales of late injury. As such, there’s a strange vacuum, no racing and little useful news.

The Tour is such a big race that even team selection becomes an issue, rosters scrutinised to determine the balance of a team. Does a GC contender have support, can the team support their sprinter etc. Surely no other races solicits this forensic analysis.

June is a funny month. The Giro ends, we have the Tour of California, the Dauphiné and the Tour of Switzerland. All are decent races and for varying reasons, deserve a prominent slot on the calendar. There’s surely room to ensure they don’t clash.