is a French website that punches above its weight. It seems to pick up stories before everyone else, and it’s often quick to relay news from other media sources, making it almost a news aggregation service.
It’s something I read almost every day and I’m not alone. British-owned seems to collect a lot of stories from there, although these days most stories are accredited to cyclismag, something that hasn’t always been the case. For example, yesterday’s story about Ricco and Quick Step seems copied straight from the version the day before.
Similarly parroted an interview with Brice Feillu, conducted during the Tour of Switzerland. It’s odd because cyclismag is a small site, whereas CN belongs to a company quoted on the London Stock Exchange, yet it was cyclismag who did the interview with Feillu; CN was in Switzerland but didn’t seem to land many interviews.
Anyway, this isn’t to knock cyclingnews, I’m just trying to point out how the French site is an excellent source of information, so good that both this modest blog and the mighty seem to be regular readers. Chapeau,!
My only problem is that they haven't got an RSS feed so I often forget to check them. Otherwise they punch big on the news front.