I’ve not put anything on the blog. I’m not paid to but in case you want something to read today, here are two excellent reads:
First, my online nemesis, Big Ring Riding. Note the capital letters, this blog is about what the French call “la rage de vaincre“, which is “the will to win” but it sounds soppy in English, it’s more the rage to conquer. You can almost feel the lactic acid and at times, the knee pain.
Next, one of my earlier follows on twitter publishes some very-well written takes on his local cycling scene. If Mr Big Ring makes your eye sockets feel the lactic acid burn, this blog is carefully crafted and very modest. My blog mainly looks into pro cycling but take a look at In The Saddle for an amusing look at how cycling takes up your time.
In my case it’s very true, I love the sport and arrange part of my life to fit around it, as I sad to a local pro I met the other day, even at my level it’s all or nothing, either you do the time and miles or you might as well do something else.