British Cycling bikes banned for 2012?

Soon to be a museum piece? London’s Sunday Times footnotes a piece about Victoria Pendleton’s world title with the following news from the UCI: From the end of this month, bicycles used on the track will have to be sold commercially and ‘at a reasonable price’ to be passed legal for major competitions, including the … Read more

Valverde and the Sword of Damocles

The Sword of Damocles is an ancient Greek fable that tells of a sword suspended by a horse’s hair above the head of Damocles, a courtier in Athens. At any moment the hair could break, leaving the sword to plunge towards poor Damocles. It’s a tale that says the threat of something looming over us … Read more

UCI: compare and contrast

McQuaid knows he isn’t engaged in a popularity contest, however. His board and the national federations are behind him. That is enough. The Independent, 28 February 2010 McQuaid said in an email to me late last year he didn’t want to do an interview with me because I’m “not UCI-friendly”. Spoke volumes. Lionel Birnie, Cyclesport … Read more

Giro d’Italia 2012

NEWSFLASH: the 2010 Giro d’Italia is to start in the well known Italian city of Washington DC. No, no and no. This is just wrong on every level:– Washington is not in Italy, it’s not even in Europe. You probably knew that.– the transfer is going to be a pig, the cyclists – rememeber them … Read more

Sort it out!

Can Pat McQuaid do no right? The UCI seems to walk headlong into media elephant traps, the organisation charged with overseeing our sport frequently embarrasses both itself and the sport in general. I for one lament the way it operates. The latest goof is with the publicity-seeking Pierre Bordry (pictured), head of France’s national anti-doping … Read more