Cancellara: BMC or Luxembourg?

If sections of the Luxembourg media were announcing the arrival of Fabian Cancellara with the new Schleck “Team Luxembourg” squad, this now seems to be wishful thinking. Whilst it appears talks have been held, the Swiss rider is also linked with Team BMC, the Swiss owned squad. TeamIt’s not just the Swiss connection. BMC is … Read more

Team Luxembourg update

Belgian burger bar Quick has now issued a formal denial that it will sponsor the Schleck Brothers’ new team in 2011, following on from French supermarket chain Auchan. I for one find it odd that companies are rushing to say “no, we’re not sponsoring a cycling team” and wonder if it’s because they are getting … Read more

Meanwhile in Luxembourg?

Whilst all eyes are on the Contador-Riis-Saxo announcement, let’s not forget the Schleck brothers. They are supposed to be starting their team for 2011 and if all this sounds a bit distant, maybe you’re thinking about next July and the Tour, it’s actually a very current matter. Riders need to be recruited, no mean feat … Read more

Missing: Kim Kirchen

Have you seen Kim Kirchen? The Luxembourg rider had been a force for several years, culminating in his stunning 2008 season where the Luxembourger won the Flèche Wallonne, took stages in the Tour of the Basque Country, the Tour of Switzerland, the Tour de France and many other prizes. Alive and well? Kirchen was so … Read more

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose

It’s obviously very satisfying. Three years ago I lost the leader’s jersey on the first stage. This time I hope I won’t get caught out. Saur-Sojasun’s Jimmy Engoulvent, speaking after his prologue win in the Tour of Luxembourg, a repeat of his prologue victory in 2007. Only history repeated itself on the first stage, Engoulvent … Read more