Training by numbers

Watching today’s stage of Paris Nice on TV I noticed Cofidis’s Amaël Moinard in the breakaway, and that he had an SRM meter on his bike. In case you didn’t know the SRM system measures the watts produced by a rider with a pair of cranks that have been modified with strain guages, plus a … Read more

Pro cycling is all about publicity right?

Visit the websites of Cofidis, Ag2r-La Mondiale, and Bbox-Bouygues Télécom and none of them have links to Facebook or Twitter. Given the whole reason to back a pro cycling team is to get publicity for your brand, why aren’t these teams using all the media available to them? A Twitter account is free after … Read more

Cofidis and the Fax Machine

Whilst other teams give their riders iPhones and Blackberrys (Sky and Garmin respectively), not to mention Columbia-HTC having their own phones, here’s an interesting anecdote. Cofidis makes its riders buy a fax machine. Riders can email the team coach but a lot of employment-related stuff still comes by fax. Just in case you forgot, the … Read more