Out of the Office Automessage

I’m away for a week so content on here is going to be lighter than usual.

I’ve penned a few articles to cover my absence, a look at which riders have had a good year and another take on who needs to deliver something in 2011 to avoid a slide. There will also be an update to the Eurofoods section. And more, so drop by. It’s just there won’t be any news on comment on current issues for a week.

I’d like to say thanks to all the readers, there are more and more of you know. Whether a regular or not, if you’ve landed here and want something to read, there’s also an extensive archive.

Here are a few random suggestions:
A review of Fignon’s biography
Resonance FM podcast review (note the broadcast restarts in a few days)
Big Jens Keukeleire
How to turn pro
How to pronounce Jens Voigt
Erik Zabel’s son winning already